Academic Service
- Invited reviewer (Conference): NeurIPS’[21-24], ICML’[22-24], ICLR’[22-24], ACML’24.
- Long-term reviewer (Journal): Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
- Member of the executive group of TrustML Young Scientist Seminars sponsored by RIEKN-AIP.
Award & Grant
- Championship, the ICML 2024 TiFA Workshop MLLM Attack Challenge.
- Postgrauate Travel Grant, SoC, NUS, 2024.
- Postgrauate Travel Grant, SoC, NUS, 2023.
- NeurIPS 2023 Scholar Award, NeurIPS, October 2023.
- Research Incentive Award, SoC, NUS, October 2023.
- Postgrauate Travel Grant, SoC, NUS, 2022.
- Research Achievement Award, SoC, NUS, 2022.
- ICML 2022 Participation Grant, ICML, July 2022.
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, NeurIPS, 2021.
- Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award, Shandong University, 2021.
Teaching Assistant
- CS5342 Multimedia Computing and Applications by Prof. Mohan Kankanhalli, Semester 2, AY23-24, SoC, NUS.
- CS3244 Machine Learning by Prof. Xavier Bresson, Semester 2, AY23-24, SoC, NUS.
- CS3244 Machine Learning by Prof. Brian Lim and Prof. Xavier Bresson, Semester 1, AY23-24, SoC, NUS.
- CS5242 Deep Learning and Neural Networks by Dr. Lee Hwee Kuan, Semester 2, AY21-22, SoC, NUS.